Sumbit Your Player Information

Player Information Form

SLHC requires Player Information for each individual student attending camp. Please complete this Player Information form for each student you registered. Registration will not be confirmed until we have the full player info.

Note: Due to the fact that Parent/Guardian details can be different than the Billing Information previously submitted on checkout, we do require these fields to be filled out in the appropriate section below.

1Player Info
2Parent/Guardian Info & Emergency Contacts
  • Add A Player

    Add your player below.

    * = Required Fields.
  • Your child must be over the age of 5 by the camp start date.
  • ie: Personal AB Health Care#, International registrations - Health Care # you would use in Canada
  • List any medical conditions and/or food allergies that your child may have.
  • Any special requests put here ie: being in the same group as friends.
  • Needed for Insurance purposes for Hockey Canada
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